English Attitude Shayari

Even google maps doesn’t have the route to your heart. Can you tell me.?
I don’t have a bad handwriting, I have my own font.
Don’t study me. You won’t a graduate.
Not many girls can take my breath away. But, you don’t even have to try.
I hate when people look at my phone while I’m typing. It’s not that I have something to hide, It’s just none of the business…
shayari, attitude english
I allow myself to be badass confident in all that I do.
I do very bad things and I do them very well.
You are a designer of your own destiny, make it better.
You don`t need everything to enjoy life, You already have life to enjoy everything.
If you are testing my water, you better know how to Swim.
Don’t be easy to define, Let them wonder about you.
Attitude Status in English For Girlfriend.

You’re the best version of yourself.
Because nothing lasts forever, you better live in the moment.
I know I am awesome, so I don’t care about your opinion.
I am Single & I am proud of it!
My choices are like fingerprints, they make me unique.
The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a Friend.
instagram english shayari
Style is a way to say who you are without speaking.
I am what I am, I will never try to be some one else.
Weakness of Attitude becomes weakness of character.
I wish I had google in my mind and antivirus in my ♥ heart.
Don’t hate me just get to know me first.
I have no time to hate people, who hate me, because, I’m always busy in loving people who Love me.
Fake people have image to main. Real people just don’t care..
Style is a reflection of your Attitude and Personality.
Success Attitude Status

A minute`s success pays the failure of years.
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