Hi. When we love someone and they leave us alone or broke up the relationship, at that time we feel very sad and alone. It’s too difficult to even think about foregetting somebody when we love him/her to an extreme. In this article, we will share some Breakup Status, Alone Status for Whatsapp. Lots of websites are already shared Love Breakup Status & Sad Status. So, Choose your best status which suits your feeling and use it on Whatsapp, Facebook & Instagram. Have a nice day…
😔 Breakup Status 😔
If you are still hurt by the breakup, your obviously still not over it.
You broke my heart and I don’t know how to live with a broken heart.
Breakup Status In English

If you think breakup is the end of your life then you have too much to learn.
It hurts a lot when things are not going how you want it.
I felt that when I was sad you would be with me but now you are nowhere.
I love you not because I need you. I need you because I love you..
Living alone seems very difficult when you have just broken up with someone.
I believed in your tears, so I decided to turn your tears into a smile and now I am filled with tears..
Me and my heart, we got issues. Don’t know if I should hate you or miss you.
I never thought that our relationship is so weak, just a simple misunderstanding is enough to destroy it.
Love Breakup Status In Hindi

I moved on because I started loving myself more than I loved you..
Every moment I spent with you. is like beautiful dream come true…
My tears come from the heart, but I do not know why the heart does not curse you.
It’s easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die.
The moment you left me, I realized how empty I am without you.
The day we departed was the day I witnessed darkness in life.
Every relationship starts with He is different, and ends with He is just like the rest.
Never regret losing someone who didn’t love you, that’s the worst one can do to themselves..
Breakup : If you have any desire to communicate your trouble loniness in words, then, at that point, you can utilize our Sad Love Breakup Status or Alone status on Whatsapp
Sad Breakup Status

I hope that you slowly fade away from my mind.
I will forgive you but the way i look at you will never be the same as it used to be.
It’s not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashback that follows.
Our relation was sweet until bitterness took over.
The worst way of leaving someone is the one without explanation.
It is so sad after a breakup, feels like you lost your life while you’re still alive.
True love isn’t found. It’s built.
Sufferings will be over when I find the real me that you destroyed.
Breakup Status For Girlfriend

A breakup is not the end of your past, it’s the beginning of something new.
If Break-up’s never existed, the music industry would go halfway bankrupt.
You lost me! Even if we cross each other’s paths you will not be able to recognize me.
The truth hurts for a little while, but lies hurt for a lifetime.
I still wish to see you, to be sure you are happy.
My weakness is that I care too much.
All the memories come rushing back after a breakup but remember if you break down now then you’ll be lost.
It’s hard to move on when you still care.
My whole personality was destroyed when you left me.
See It Also :- Sad Shayari, Ignore Status…
Breakup Status Attitude

You can’t start the next chapter of your life, if you keep re-reading the last one.
It’s so lonely when you don’t even know yourself.
Breakup hurts the most when you separate from each other without doing anything wrong.
Pain is the only thing that’s telling me I’m still alive.
It is easy to forget a person but the memories always stay in your mind.
Breakup is one of the parts of life which teaches you a great lesson.
Relationships are like glass. Sometimes its better to leave them broken than hurt yourself trying to put it back together.
Love is the beautiful mistake of my life.
Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try.
Breakup Sad Status Images

When I close my eyes I see you, When i open my eyes I miss you..
I don’t hate you, I hate what you have done.
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